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  1. Lavinia
    February 15, 2024 @ 01:49

    I’ve been following you for many years (at least eighteen, I believe) and have attended all your concerts in Italy and some in Vienna. I’d like to express my admiration for You not only from a musical standpoint but also for your projects.
    If it were ever possible to attend on of your lesson as an auditor, it would be my biggest dream.
    Congratulations for everything that you are.
    (I apologize for my poor english)
    (i apologize for my poor english)

  2. Uta Kuntze
    January 1, 2022 @ 17:37

    Dear Hyung-Ki,
    Thank you for the wonderful concert yesterday in Potsdam, I heard you for the first time in my life and definitly not the last time.
    I´m so surprised about your amazing music, I couldn´t imagine a better event on New Years Eve, you made me very happy.
    I was so lucky to get the last CD after the concert with your signature (I didn´t wear a mask)
    Thanks a lot
    Uta Kuntze, Berlin

  3. Hyung-ki Joo
    May 26, 2020 @ 15:01

    Dear Rex,
    Thank you for your kind words. I am happy to read them.
    Be on the lookout on both my personal and the Igudesman&Joo Youtube Channel. Theres new videos coming.

  4. Rex Chen
    March 24, 2020 @ 08:52

    You are an amazing pianist that inspired so many people, me include after first seeing your musical comedy sketches on YouTube more than over 10 years ago. The vulnerable and particular points of view that you took on, was not only entertaining and hilarious but very humanising as well. Your creativity and incorporating human truths and stories, into your “lessons” in each time you took the stage to perform music, has taught and inspired me so much. Not only as
    a composer or musician, but an English speaking Asian in the western world, on how be yourself and how to act in front of others.

    I hope yourself and Mr. Igudesman never stop doing what you love to do and being such a great and unique example of what musicians are and can be.

    PS I know you guys are still doing tours these days, but stay safe from coronavirus and really upload more of yourselves and parts of your tour shows on youtube. The world would love to see more of your story.

    Thank you so much, Hyung-Ki Joo!

  5. Scott
    February 13, 2019 @ 17:55

    When are you and Aleksey coming back to SF Bay Area? We missed your last trip because we were being entertained by dancing tortoises in Galapagos. We did not prefer them over you and Aleksey, we did not know of you and Aleksey then. Now we do and we want to enjoy you.

  6. Sylvane
    May 17, 2017 @ 22:40

    Cher Richard Hyung-ki Joo,
    Nous étions à votre concert à l’Olympia à Paris ce soir. C’est la 3e fois que je viens à vos spectacles (Salle Pleyel, Parc floral du Bois de Vincennes). C’était formidable.
    Vous apportez de la joie dans nos vies.
    Vous avez énormément de talent, tant par votre virtuosité pianistique que par vos dons d’humoriste et show man.
    C’est moi qui vous ai posé la question sur la transcription de “I got rhythm”. Merci beaucoup d’avoir pris le temps d’écouter les gens qui vous attendaient pour la dédicace, c’est une grande preuve d’humilité de votre part et c’est tout à votre honneur.
    J’ai beaucoup aimé la reprise de “Tzigane” + “panthère rose”. C’est un énorme travail de réécriture. Je suis sûre que Ravel aurait apprécié le résultat!
    En revanche, qu’aurait pensé l’irascible Mahler de la promiscuité avec Nat king Cole/Chaplin???… Moi ça m’a énormément plu.
    L’ “étude” de Chopin glissée dans la techno était super. La “Chanson très longue” était vraiment excellente. Quelle imagination ! Cela me rappelle le “concerto pour ping pong” que va donner la Philharmonie.
    Voilà mes impressions sur votre merveilleux spectacle. Merci du fond du coeur et encore BRAVO !!!

  7. Hyung-ki Joo
    March 5, 2017 @ 19:54

    I do exist! And pretty sure that God exists too- perhaps not in the way that a lot of humans have portrayed him/her/it, but I do believe that their are higher elements at play in life and nature, and we are not alone in this Universe.
    I’m not sure I’m all those lovely things you mention about me, but I’m very flattered indeed- Thank You.
    By the way, I love the viola. I’m a big Primrose Fan.

  8. Hyung-ki Joo
    March 5, 2017 @ 19:50

    Dear Mr. Simos,
    That is one of the kindest things anyone could say to me. I had the time of my life teaching last year at the Youth Piano Academy, and I look forward to more magic this coming summer.
    Please send my best to Ellen. Nähdään pian!

  9. Pete Simos
    March 5, 2017 @ 18:50

    Hello Mr Joo!
    I´m very delighted to see that you are coming to Mänttä´s music festival. I am father of Ellen Simos who is a student in youth piano akademy (hosted by Niklas Pokki ) and we were so impressed of your teaching skills and your presence with the youngsters. We ( Ellen and the rest of the family) feel that we have won in the lottery because we are privileged to meet you again, welcome!

    Best regards,
    Pete Simos

  10. Gudrun
    February 11, 2017 @ 21:12

    Thank U so much for a wonderful evening at Forum Ludwigsburg.

  11. Violadelpensiero
    January 17, 2017 @ 00:25

    Surely God exists: he was the one who made you so smart, handsome, talented, brilliant, happily crazy and funny. The real question is: do YOU exist? Aren’t you JOO perfect to be real? Give me a hint! P.S. I am a viola player, so give me an easy one .

  12. Marcos
    September 26, 2016 @ 14:38

    I forgot to mention that I am interested in the Invention in C minor only. My editing skills are not accomplished enough to come up with a satisfying fingering. Thank you.

  13. Marcos
    September 25, 2016 @ 15:42

    I have had the music to the album you played of Billy Joel’s music. It was published without fingering — do you know if there is a sheet with the fingering you used. I love your music and your performances with Igudesman. Thank you for sharing yourself with us!

  14. MIA
    September 4, 2016 @ 11:59

    You are a cross between Bale and Messi and Nadal and Federer in the classical piano world! I would love to meet you some day… Thanks for being such an inspiration to all of us!

  15. Hasbeena
    September 3, 2016 @ 08:49

    What a fun website, what a handsome man! Just spent all my morning checking out all the stuff here. Such cool hangout

  16. Hyung-ki Joo
    September 2, 2016 @ 13:01

    @Boris Yes, I do- but was it YOU that said it?

  17. Boris Tomov
    September 1, 2016 @ 21:17

    What does the chicken says when it croses the road?
    PKAO …. hope you remember where this is from 😀

  18. Žydrė
    September 1, 2016 @ 21:12


  19. Paola
    September 1, 2016 @ 08:17

    I suddenly woke up this morning because I had a LITTLE NIGHTMARE. I was trying to buy online a TICKET TO RIDE the train to your concert in Brescia, Italy, but all of a sudden on the screen a piano with BIG HANDS appeared, yelling at me “YOU WON’T SURVIVE, if you don’t practice!”, and then it began swirling and coming out of the screen, as if there were no GRAVITY. I secretly hoped that BOND would come and save me, but then I woke up. My laptop was open and working in front of me. The only difference was that on the screen I could see the great new website of one of the pianists I admire the most, because of his charisma and capacity to transform the classical music into something modern, that even people who don’t like it (because they say “it’s boring”) enjoy.
    Great job! Hope you’ll be back in Florence, Italy very soon, so I can come and see another concert of yours!

  20. Hyung-ki Joo
    September 1, 2016 @ 07:27

    @ Eliśka: Send a video of your playing to: office@hyungkijoo.com– include the city where you live, your age, and anything else you want to say about yourself.

  21. Adrià Climent
    September 1, 2016 @ 06:21

    Hey Joo, I think we are too late for the gift, but Adrià and his family wish you a lot of success with your new web. From your #1 fan in Spain!

  22. Kelly
    September 1, 2016 @ 05:07

    Congrats, I love your website! Gorgeous! Big, not small like hands 😉

  23. gail
    September 1, 2016 @ 02:39

    Very well done

  24. Matthew
    September 1, 2016 @ 01:54

    Got hooked after hearing all those Fantastical Delusions, and my admiration and awe grew when I was introduced to the duo with Aleksey, and even witnessed the pairs musical genius live in Chicago. Looking forward to seeing and hearing everything to come.

  25. Danni Yu
    September 1, 2016 @ 01:16

    You are absolutely fantastic! Love you and your performance. I went to your shows every time in Beijing. If you will have workshops like ‘8 to 88’ in the future, I’m definitely want to be there! Hope to see more of your amazing shows here!

  26. Monica Twa
    September 1, 2016 @ 00:17

    Loved you since you performed Billy Joel’s music. And cracked up when you asked me where I got the CD I had you sign. Love you!

  27. Anthony Garone
    August 31, 2016 @ 23:35

    Got my copy of “You Just Have to Laugh” AND the new Joo site in the same day!! Yay!!

    Best wishes from Mesa, AZ! Make Weird Music!! Exclamation marks!!!

  28. Liz
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:52


  29. Yours Truly
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:51

    The 1st 10 FUN messages left here will win a special prize.

  30. Chris
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:36

    Only little Prizes? But I thought only Hands are small!

  31. Anetka
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:35

    Ahoj! Zdravím v slovenčine. Neviem po anglicky ani nemecky. Som tvoj fanúšik! Nechceš si na Slovensku usporiadať pár koncertov. Prídem aj so sestrou aj ona ti fandí. :-))

  32. Dorian
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:32

    Great website Hyung-ki! Hope to catch up with you again when you’re back in London!

  33. Delphine
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:29

    Dear Hyung-ki, my partner couscous.
    I’m so happy & excited for your website, congratulations !!
    See you soon. Delphine

  34. Ya-Wen Shen
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:22

    I’m watching you… (both Mozart & I)

    Congrats. And now.. Hyung-Ki Joo.

  35. Eliška
    August 31, 2016 @ 22:18

    Hello! I want to have a piano lesson with you!!!
    Seriously 🙂

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